Wednesday, October 19, 2011

July Named Cord Blood Month&Know More About Cord Blood
Cleveland Cord Blood Center, Cleveland Clinic and National Center for Regenerative Medicine Enter Into Collaboration
Cryo-Cell International Inc Consider a Possible Sale Of The Company
Harlem Hospital Encourages Collection of Umbilical Cord Blood
Arkansas can now boast of the first cord blood bank in the country
Arizona Drive to Collect and Store Cord Blood to Save Lives of Minorities

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Arizona Drive to Collect and Store Cord Blood to Save Lives of Minorities

In Arizona the valley hospitals are engaged in an active drive to collect and store cord blood to save lives. Cord blood banking costs are relatively high for private individuals, going up to an initial amount of $ 3000 and above due to the testing and storage charges.

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Arizona Drive to Collect and Store Cord Blood to Save Lives of Minorities

Cord blood or umbilical cord blood stem cells are better to bring about healing in diseases such as cancer. In an effort to collect cord blood and begin cord blood banking to help people in need, a drive has begun in various states.
In Arizona the valley hospitals are engaged in an active drive to collect and store cord blood to save lives. Cord blood banking costs are relatively high for private individuals, going up to an initial amount of $ 3000 and above due to the testing and storage charges. Pregnant mothers are approached for umbilical cord blood donation as a source of umbilical cord stem cells.

Arizona Drive to Collect and Store Cord Blood to Save Lives of Minorities
Arkansas: First Cord Blood Bank Starts in the Last Week of July

Arkansas: First Cord Blood Bank Starts in the Last Week of July

Arkansas can now boast of the first cord blood bank in the country funded by the state and linked to the national registry.

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Arkansas: First Cord Blood Bank Starts in the Last Week of July

rkansas can now boast of the first cord blood bank in the country funded by the state and linked to the national registry. If you compare cord blood banks, public, state funded cord blood banks always work out cheaper and more affordable, a source of relief to people who cannot afford high costs of private cord blood banking in the country.

Harlem Hospital Encourages Collection of Umbilical Cord Blood

Harlem Hospital Encourages Collection of Umbilical Cord Blood

Since December, the Harlem Hospital has been active in counseling people, especially minorities on the advantages and benefits of donating umbilical cord blood as a rich source of cord blood stem cells so vital in treatment of cancer,

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Harlem Hospital Encourages Collection of Umbilical Cord Blood

Since December, the Harlem Hospital has been active in counseling people, especially minorities on the advantages and benefits of donating umbilical cord blood as a rich source of cord blood stem cells so vital in treatment of cancer, leukemia, diabetes and sickle cell anemia. The P.O.L. Umbilical Cord Blood Program at its obstetrics   and gynecological clinic is the first of its kind in the country, having collected 20 units of cord blood since its inception in December last. It focuses on African-American and Latin communities where the figures of cord blood stem cells lag far behind that of Caucasian donors. 

July Named Cord Blood Month—Know More About Cord Blood

July Named Cord Blood Month—Know More About Cord Blood

The drawback to stem cell transplantation is acceptance of the cells by the donor. If the stem cells are close to the ones produced in the bodies of the done, the better the chances of success. Given this, it is only natural that one should bank his own cord blood and several companies operate,

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July Named Cord Blood Month—Know More About Cord Blood

July is declared the Cord Blood Awareness Month in the US. Most people are not yet familiar with the term and the usages of cord blood.
Cord Blood is that blood presents in the umbilical cord and fetus of a newborn infant and thence its name. Cord blood is rich in stem cells and today it is collected and cord blood donations are becoming popular.  Such stem cells help in healing after serious illnesses like cancer. Adults have stem cells in their bodies but it is younger cells that help in healing and cord blood cells are found to be the best, especially after chemotherapies.

Cryo-Cell International Inc Consider a Possible Sale Of The Company

Cryo-Cell International Inc Consider a Possible Sale Of The Company

It is a publicly traded company. With current developments and a huge interest in the immensely promising future of cord blood preservation, one would expect the company to go from strength to strength. Therefore, news that the company is considering possible alternatives to increase shareholder value by selling off the company comes as a surprise.

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Cryo-Cell International Inc Consider a Possible Sale Of The Company

Cryo-Cell is headquartered in Oldsmar, Florida with a large customer base spread all over the world and a leader in family cord blood banks. It is ISO9001:2008 certified and carries the cGMP/cGTP certifications. It was the first to launch a service allowing women to cryo preserve their menstrual stem cells through cord blood collection for future use.

Cleveland Cord Blood Center

The National Center for Regenerative Medicine (NCRM), the Cleveland Clinic and the Cleveland Cord Blood Center have all together entered into an alliance with Image IQ Inc for development of image acquisition and analysis software.

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Cleveland Cord Blood Center, Cleveland Clinic and National Center for Regenerative Medicine Enter Into Collaboration

The buzzword today in the field of medicine and health is umbilical cord storage or umbilical cord blood banking. Several companies are engaged in umbilical cord blood banking and storage for later use on the child or collected as donation for use by some other person who needs stem cell transplants. This is a field with tremendous growth prospects, ushering in a new era of health.

Cleveland Cord Blood Center

Cleveland Cord Blood Center, Cleveland Clinic and National Center for Regenerative Medicine Enter Into Collaboration

The buzzword today in the field of medicine and health is umbilical cord storage or umbilical cord blood banking. Several companies are engaged in umbilical cord blood banking and storage for later use on the child or collected as donation for use by some other person who needs stem cell transplants. This is a field with tremendous growth prospects, ushering in a new era of health.

The National Center for Regenerative Medicine (NCRM), the Cleveland Clinic and the Cleveland Cord Blood Center have all together entered into an alliance with Image IQ Inc for development of image acquisition and analysis software. This is part of the Biomedical Technology and Innovation project funded by Ohio Third Frontier Program. Image IQ will customize the software in collaboration with researchers at the Cleveland Clinic. The customization is aimed at extracting specific performance measurements of stem cells obtained through umbilical cord blood collection. Using this one can decide whether to bank and preserve cord blood for future use or discard it.

Image IQ’s main line of operations is imaging analytics, visualization services, software engineering, with pharmaceutical, medical device and research organizations being its main clients. It has considerable expertise in cell biology and image analysis to be able to develop automated image analysis software sought by the three and it will be deployed first at the Cleveland Cord Blood Center. By analyzing the umbilical cord blood stem cells, scientists can decide whether it is fit enough for future therapeutic use.

Cleveland has plenty of experienced specialists in stem cell technology and therapy while ImageIQ has the depth of technical competence in custom imaging and analysis to provide an impetus to further research and growth in this sector of umbilical cord blood banking and stem cells. ImageIQ has already spent 10 years with the Cleveland Clinic, as its Biomedical Imaging and Analysis Core.

With huge research and funding in this segment, research in umbilical cord blood banking and umbilical cord blood stem cells will grow exponentially in this decade, necessitating qualitative and quantitative assessment prior to banking to keep costs low and ensure the cells are usable when needed.

ImageIQ is an Imaging Contract Research Organization (ICRO) combining highest levels of skills in software and biomedical engineering for quantitative visual design in research. Clinical Tissue Engineering Center at Cleveland Clinic is a collaborative partnership between Case Western Reserve University, University Hospitals, NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland Clinic, Ohio Supercomputer Center, University of Cincinnati, Akron General Medical Center, NEOUCOM, and The University of Akron in addition to numerous partners, founded with $4 million awarded under Ohio’s Ohio's Biomedical Research and Commercialization Partnership Program from the Third Frontier Project. They examine ways to implement outcomes of research for therapeutic use. The Cleveland Cord Blood Center has a cord blood bank for stem cells in transplants and research applications. Its purpose is to serve the population, providing help in assisting patients with matched stem cells for treatments through developing donor pools.

Cryo-Cell International Inc Consider a Possible Sale Of The Company

Cryo-Cell is headquartered in Oldsmar, Florida with a large customer base spread all over the world and a leader in family cord blood banks. It is ISO9001:2008 certified and carries the cGMP/cGTP certifications. It was the first to launch a service allowing women to cryo preserve their menstrual stem cells through cord blood collection for future use.

It is a publicly traded company. With current developments and a huge interest in the immensely promising future of cord blood preservation, one would expect the company to go from strength to strength. Therefore, news that the company is considering possible alternatives to increase shareholder value by selling off the company comes as a surprise.

The company has been in touch with possible buyers and has received a number of offers so far. The company’s investment banker and financial advisor, Morgan Joseph is in the process of negotiations for divestment.  He was originally appointed with the purpose of considering strategic acquisitions and no promising ones showed up.  This move is said to be in alignment with company policy to maintain its diversified operations and leadership in the field for a profitable growth. Morgan Joseph has shortlisted a few and he was authorized by the Board to conduct negotiations for sale.  The sale, of course, will be subject to approval by the Board of Directors.

It will be remembered that they brought about a radical development in 2007 by allowing women to collect and preserve menstrual flow for future use in a way similar to umbilical cord blood stem cell use. Cord blood is the fetal blood found in the placenta and umbilical cord of a newborn child. They are active proponents of getting people to consider saving cord blood for their own or family use instead of public cord blood donations, saving on cord blood cost. When people donate cord blood cells, they do not have to pay a fee whereas Cryo Cell charges a processing and storage fee if you want them preserved for your own future use. Their promotion of cord blood banking is predicated on the belief that in future, in case of serious medical conditions, cord blood stored in the bank can be retrieved and used without any complications or high cost.

July Named Cord Blood Month—Know More About Cord Blood

July is declared the Cord Blood Awareness Month in the US. Most people are not yet familiar with the term and the usages of cord blood.

Cord Blood is that blood presents in the umbilical cord and fetus of a newborn infant and thence its name. Cord blood is rich in stem cells and today it is collected and cord blood donations are becoming popular.  Such stem cells help in healing after serious illnesses like cancer. Adults have stem cells in their bodies but it is younger cells that help in healing and cord blood cells are found to be the best, especially after chemotherapies.

The drawback to stem cell transplantation is acceptance of the cells by the donor. If the stem cells are close to the ones produced in the bodies of the done, the better the chances of success.  Given this, it is only natural that one should bank his own cord blood and several companies operate, collecting and storing the cord blood for a nominal fee. If you donate cord blood cells and then buy them from the open market, matching will be a problem and cord blood cost could be very high, in the region of $ 15000 and above. Companies in the business of cord blood donation and preservation claim to perform a vital function of storing the cells on your behalf for your future use should a need arise. These are fundamentally vital in instances like cancer, heart attack, burns, diabetes, etc. where stem cells from cord blood transplant works wonders.

Some parents opt to have cord blood stored and banked for future use by the child when he does need them. Some parents decide on cord blood donations. Today, it is compulsory in a number of states for doctors to give full information to expectant women about cord blood storage options.

Today, cord blood collection, retrieval and storage techniques have improved a lot and 30 years down the line, the potential user can still find his cells usable in case of emergency.

Science and especially genetics, is progressing fast and storing your child’s cord blood may be one of the best gifts you can give him for life through a cord blood transplant when needed in future.

Harlem Hospital Encourages Collection of Umbilical Cord Blood

Since December, the Harlem Hospital has been active in counseling people, especially minorities on the advantages and benefits of donating umbilical cord blood as a rich source of cord blood stem cells so vital in treatment of cancer, leukemia, diabetes and sickle cell anemia. The P.O.L. Umbilical Cord Blood Program at its obstetrics   and gynecological clinic is the first of its kind in the country, having collected 20 units of cord blood since its inception in December last. It focuses on African-American and Latin communities where the figures of cord blood stem cells lag far behind that of Caucasian donors.  Cord blood stem cell storage and banking are relatively new concepts for these communities who have yet to see or experience the benefits of cord blood sourced stem cells. The hospital aims to change this through its awareness programs. Caucasians contribute 80% while African Americans contribute only 7% so it is vital to promote donations in order to help their community at present and in the future.  In view of the past history African Americans are distrustful of the medical establishment and are reluctant to donate or have anything to do with such establishments. The awareness program being conducted by Preserve Our Legacy Inc, a program set up by the hospital to educate African Americans.

Cord blood stem cell banking is a relatively new concept and naturally not mainstream so African Americans are naturally reluctant to place trust in something so new. Preserve Our Legacy came into being through the efforts of Shana and Brett Melius to honor Jaden Hilton, a 3 year old African American who died of leukemia in 2007. Through this program they plan to educate African American and Latin people of the benefits of umbilical cord blood stem cell storage and cord blood stem cell banking.

One way they go about is by asking potential donor targets about members of their family who have been victims of diseases needing cord blood stem cell transplants. Then they point out that if such stem cells are available, a patient can be saved. The program points out how the procedure poses no risk to the child or the mother. The program is also responsible for “Jaden’s Law”, making it mandatory for doctors to inform patients of their options to donate and this is now made into a Law by the New Jersey governor, Chris Christie. Such laws are under active consideration in New York and other states and this should be the beginning of a new era.